Corporate Training

Leader and Executive Training Program

For over 25 years, Celm has been working on developing the next generation of leaders, management executives, and other personnel for Japanese-affiliated companies. Using that knowledge and expertise, we customize and design leadership development programs for local executive management candidates.
  • We can give leadership candidates a concrete understanding of what top management expects of them and can strengthen their leadership mindset for the future of the company.
  • We can deepen their self-awareness and build up their skills and mindset as leaders
  • We make it easier to create systems for national staff registration, and to broaden career paths for national staff throughout entire organizations.
Implementation Example
Implementation period
6-8 months (standard)
Implementation organization
In line with the image of needed executive managers, we arrange broad outline of a program adapted to the issues of its subjects and arrange the ideal teacher for each session. When training is combined with action learning, we assign coaches and consultants to fit project themes
Expected outputs
Stronger leadership mindset and broader career paths for national staff
Implementation Scheme
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Management Dojo

The middle management of an organization have an important role in guiding the company to reach its goals, while communicating management policies to lower levels and escalating information from the field to top management. Giving the middle management level an understanding of the role of managers, providing them with necessary skills, and encouraging them to exercise leadership, are effective ways to optimize the performance of an organization. As an option, we can perform a team assessment which reveals the state of a team.
Implementation Example
Implementation period
6-8 months (standard)
Implementation organization
We run surveys (as an option) to reveal the states of teams and arrange facilitators who match the program.
Expected outputs
Awareness transformation in middle managers, organization performance maximization, and creation of a culture that nurtures people
Implementation Scheme
Implementation Scheme Implementation Scheme

Innovation workshop

To adapt to times of turbulent change, it is vitally important to have the opportunities and experience needed to keep a grasp of environmental changes at all times, and to capture new business opportunities. We provide facilitators who are experts experienced in new business creation,
and design workshops in which national staff and dispatched staff can work together.
Implementation Example
Implementation period
6 months (for example)
Implementation organization
We arrange strategy consultants, facilitators with ample experience in business innovation, and external lecturers who can provide stimulus in line with client needs.
Expected outputs
Flesh out innovation plans and create a culture of innovation
Implementation Scheme

Workshops to Instill Principles and Develop Organization

Organizations have organizational cultures which resist change, however much structures and systems may be changed. A company aiming to reform or integrate organizations must focus on that kind of organizational culture and climate, taking employees’ patterns of behavior and thought, and their relationships, as themes, and work to shift individuals and organizations by providing a forum for frank dialog.
Implementation Example
Implementation period
6 months (for example)
Implementation organization
We will analyze the current situation, relative to the transformation goal, and assemble a team based on that situation and the desired change. If the basis is instilling principles, we build an organization with executives from within the company.
Expected outputs
Change in organization culture and improved individual initiative
Implementation Scheme

Implementation scheme


  • Orientation
  • Understand “our company’s history”
  • Group discussion: “What does the group management philosophy mean to me?”


  • “How do we put our philosophy into practice?”
  • Group discussion
  • Action Plan

Organization development workshop


  • Orientation
  • Examine our company’s issues from the results of the engagement survey
  • What is our to-be form?


  • What is holding my organization and I back?
  • What do I want to start on first?
  • Group Discussion
  • Action Plan

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